

Monday, March 15, 2010

God is so faithful...

Where to start!! The Lord has been so gracious to me and Tim and for that I am more than thankful! What an amazing God we serve. My car COMPLETELY died two weeks ago...thankfull I was not driving it when it happened. I had to leave work to go get Tim who was using it at the time. That was the last time the ghetto clunker was ever driven. I was starting to get really stressed because Tim did not have a job and we could NOT afford a car payment. I prayed and waitied. I went out of town for work last Sunday and I got home Friday. I was so excited to hear while I was gone that Tim got a job!! Wahoo and he started on Friday. Another gracious blessing from my Lord. I arrived home and got to see my daddy who is in town until March 25th. YAY! Tim called on Saturday with the news that his grandfather died. It has been really hard on the family. We went to Macen's first belt testing in Karate Saturday afternoon and then we got a call from his parents to see if we would like to do dinner and of course we said yes. In the car on the way Tim's parents explained how they were going to give me his grandfather's car and get it fixed up so it is in like new condition and they are going to fix the problems on Tim's car! WOW! What an amazing gift from them! That saved us well over $10,000 that we did not have. I am so thankful to have a Lord who provides and even though I do not deserve it he willingly gives. I know my God is an amazing God who will always provide for his children. I am so glad. Last week was not good for me food wise, I did however become an insurance agent! whoop whoop! Go me! I started back on with my weight loss plan today. :) I hope this week turns out to be just as amazing as this past weekend! I love my Lord!! :)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Welcome Back Meagan...

So long ghetto will be missed!

I know it has been a while since I have been on the blog, but I am BACK! Life has been really hectic lately and it has taken everything in my power not to freak out! Tim got back and we are still having trouble finding him a job and then yesterday my car completely. No bringing it back to nothing! That made matters a little more difficult but I know God is working through this. It is insane to think how life seemed so wonderful just before Christmas and since then it has been one thing after another. I feel like I am super stressed. To top it all off it is finals week...oh my lanta! Well, enough is good to have this blog where I can just go and get out all of my worries and frustrations. Why is it so hard in times like these to trust the Lord? Why does life seem to get in the way of obediance and discipline? I am tired of letting it. How can I be trusting the Lord if all I am doing is worrying about how he is going to do what he says he is going to do? The same God that saved me at the age of 19, and changed me from a rebellious, lost and mean girl, to someone who no longer desires the way of the world, why can it be so hard to trust even when his deeds and love are staring me in the face? I know he is amazing and I have seen what he has done and what he has allowed. He has changed me and even though I am flawed and broken, he still sustains my everything, and he still is guiding me to what he wants. I guess the waiting is the hardest. I am not super worried, I just get moments where it is like...really!? Are you serious? Who am I to even question what he is doing though? He is a God who knows all and he is a God who is far greater than I will or can ever be. I am trusting the Lord, and I am praying that his timing will be soon. I am also praying for patience in this time, to continue to trust him, day by day. I know he will not fail me. I have continued working out. I started back cycling this feels wonderful to be back! :) I love it. I need to keep focused on my goals. I lost 7 more pounds... I can do better. I can lose more. :)